2L direct current (DC)

Fleischmann 6117  Prellbock mit Gleissperr-Signal
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
8,80 € *
Fleischmann 6152 Modell-Drehscheibe Elektrisch
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
449,95 € *
Fleischmann 6153 Ergänzungs-Set Drehscheibe
Available immediately
31,99 € *
Fleischmann 6154 Elektrische Drehscheibe
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
379,95 € *
Fleischmann 6155 Ergänzungs-Set für...
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
23,99 € *
Fleischmann 6162 Kreuzung 18°
Available immediately
25,99 € *
Fleischmann 6163 Kreuzung 18°
** Please ask for delivery time **
25,60 € *
Fleischmann 6174 Bogenweiche für Handbetrieb links
** Please ask for delivery time **
32,90 € *
Fleischmann 6260005 Schürzen-Postwagen, DB
Neuheit 2025 / Vorbestellung möglich
38,49 € *
Fleischmann 6260015 Reisezugwagen 1. Klasse mit...
Available immediately
39,99 € * 57,90 €
Fleischmann 6260018 Steuerwagen 2. Klassefür...
Available immediately
74,99 € * 107,90 €
Fleischmann 6260019 Wagenset mit drei Eurofima-Wagen der...
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
125,95 € *
Fleischmann 6260020 Eilzugwagen 2. Klasse, Gattung...
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
  • SKU Fl6260020
  • GTIN 4005575260565
38,49 € *
Fleischmann 6260021 Eilzugwagen 2. Klasse, Gattung...
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
  • SKU Fl6260021
  • GTIN 4005575260572
38,49 € *
Fleischmann 6260022 Eilzug-Gepäckwagen, Gattung Dge,...
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
  • SKU Fl6260022
  • GTIN 4005575260589
38,49 € *
Fleischmann 6260024 3-teiliger Set Reisezug IR2471
Neuheit 2025 / Vorbestellung möglich
129,95 € *
Fleischmann 6260025 2-teiliger Set Reisezug IR2471
Neuheit 2025 / Vorbestellung möglich
86,99 € *
Fleischmann 6260026 Umbauwagen 1./2. Klasse, DB
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
36,99 € *
Fleischmann 6260027 Umbauwagen 2. Klasse, DB
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
36,99 € *
Fleischmann 6260028 Umbauwagen 2. Klasse, DB
Delivery time 1-2 weeks (Not in stock - depends on the manufacturer or will be ordered for you)
36,99 € *