Once you have found the product you want, you can place it in your shopping cart without obligation by clicking on the "ADD TO CART" button. You can view the contents of your shopping cart at any time without obligation by clicking on the "SHOPPING CART" button. You can remove products from your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the "REMOVE" button under the product. If you want to buy the products in the shopping cart, click the "CONTINUE TO ORDER" button. You will then be asked to enter your personal data, select the payment method and confirm that you have read the customer information. You can cancel the order process at any time or complete it by clicking the "ORDER WITH PAYMENT" button. Before submitting the order, you have the opportunity to identify any input errors. Of course, you can correct and/or change the information you provided during the order process at any time by clicking "BACK" in your browser. Or you can use the change buttons (...CHANGE) in the summary before submitting your order to make your corrections.
Conclusion of contract
The presentation of the products in the online shop does not constitute a legally binding offer, but an invitation to order. All offers are valid "while stocks last" unless otherwise stated for the products. Errors excepted.
After entering your personal data and clicking the "SUBMIT ORDER" button in the final step of the ordering process, you place a binding order for the goods in the shopping cart. Confirmation of receipt of the order will follow immediately after the order has been sent. However, the purchase contract is only concluded with our order confirmation or delivery of the goods.
Contract text
The contract text is saved. You can view the general terms and conditions at any time at http://www.modellbahn-voigt.de and save them on your computer. The specific order data and the general terms and conditions will be sent to you by email.
Contract language
The contract language is German.